Ganpaluh Chutney

Today, i'm sharing another favorite chutney recipe of mine.  The hero of this recipe is Ganpaluh in Rongmei or Fish Mint Root in English.  

Back at home in the north-east, we use both the heart shaped leaf and the roots for this herb for chutney.  But, i'll be using just the roots for today's chutney.  Surprisingly, not everyone in the north-east enjoys this root chutney, preferring the leafy bit only.  As for me, i love, love this herb just as much as Nkampoi.  The chutney base is the same as all preparation using ngari; however, just a little addition of extra ingredients can turn a simple chutney into a totally unique and special dish.  Please find the detailed recipe below:

Preparing the Ganpaluh:

Since Ganpaluh is a fibrous root it needs thorough cleaning with several changes of water.  After the final rinse, I would suggest that you soak the Ganpaluh in salt water for some time. Then, drain the water, chop it up to bite size, and keep it aside.

Chutney base:

Ngari (Fermented fish) - 4-5
Garlic - 6-5 Pods
Fresh Green Chillies - 10

Fresh Local Tomato, small - 1 (optional)
Onion, small - 1
Salt - as per taste

Wrap the Ngari in an aluminium foil and roast it over the flame of a stove for 2-3 minutes on both sides, using an old aluminium slotted spoon or any old plate or lid with a perforated surface, keep aside.

Now, roast the green chilies and the tomato (if using) over the flame of a stove and keep aside.

Once all the ingredients are prepped, first put the Ngari, garlic, a little salt and pound it up till well mashed using a mortar&pestle.  Then, add the green chillies  and continue pounding or mashing till it becomes a paste.  Now, add the roasted tomato (if using) ensuring it is well mixed into the chutney.  

Finally, add the chopped Ganpaluh, give it a really good mixing, check for salt, throw in the sliced onions, mix and serve.  Ganpaluh chutney is ready!


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