Nkampoi/Stink Beans Chutney

It's was quite disappointing to realize that i made just one post in 2016.  Life's ups and downs did come in the way....yes, but i have to admit it was purely lack of motivation to cook, click, and then put up a post.  I appreciate fellow bloggers who churn out 5 to 6 posts every month, some even every week.  It does take a lot of effort at the background to put up a blog post, and i succumbed to my laziness.  Anyway, i'm more determined this year to put up at least one or two posts a month.  

So, starting off, today i'm sharing with you my all time favorite chutney, a winter season delight, the very unique Nkampoi (in Rongmei) Chutney.  Nkampoi is commonly known as Parkia or Stink Bean, and it's very interesting to note how this delicious beans is being consumed in the other parts of Asia.  In the North East of India, especially in Manipur, this beans is in high demand -- the people from this region are crazily in love with this chutney.  This is the reason why it was such an exhilarating delight for me to make this dish in my kitchen, here in Hyderabad.  I made this chutney using two whole Nkampoi beans.  Here's the recipe:

Preparing the Beans:

First clean the beans by scrapping off the green peel gently with a new and clean steel tongue cleaner, wash, and keep aside.

If the Nkampoi is tender, just soak it in boiling water for about a minutes or two and slice it up.  However, if it's tough, you might want to boil it for a minute or two, this will remove the bitter taste from the beans.

Chutney base:
Ngari (Fermented fish) - 4-5
Garlic - 6-5 Pods
Fresh Green Chillies - 10

Tender Raja Mircha - 2
Fresh Local Tomato, small - 1
Salt - as per taste

Wrap the Ngari in an aluminium foil and roast it over the flame of a stove for 2-3 minutes on both sides, using an old aluminium slotted spoon or any old plate or lid with a perforated surface, keep aside.

Now, roast the green chilies and the tomato over the flame of a stove, peel off the skin (if you have the patience), and keep aside.  Then, since we're using Raja Mircha, if it is fresh, roast this up real quick(be prepared for a fit of coughing hazard).  However, if you're using frozen ones like i did over here, just soak it in warm water till it defreeze,  and keep aside.

Once all the ingredients are prepped, first put the ngari, garlic, a little salt and pound it up till well mashed using a mortar&pestle.  Then, add the green chillies and raja mircha and mash it up till it becomes a paste.  Now, add the roasted tomato ensuring it is well mixed into the chutney.  

Finally, add the prepared Nkampoi slices, give it a really good mixing, check for salt, add some sliced onions (optional), and chutney is ready!


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